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Archive for May, 2011

Hello world, My first blogging attempt

Hello friends and Discovery Toy fans:


Several people have asked “Do you blog?” Up until now the answer was “no,” but because enough people have asked and encouraged I’ve decided to give it a try. Some days I’ll share product reviews, some days just the adventures of my crazy life with 4 babies, and medical challenges, but with my love for writing and my adventures with children I hope my blog is an interesting place to keep friends informed of my happenings and adventures.


Yesterday started the three week count down to my move to MI. I’ve hit the excited but scared piece of the big move as it is becoming to be known as. When people ask of “Why so Quick?” and “What will you be doing?” I excitedly share, but the conversation always turns to you’ll be missed and then the emotions switch to am I doing the right thing? I know I am, because I don’t think that everything wouldn’t be falling together so beautifully if it wasn’t the right change for where I am in my life. So I’ll answer some of these questions.


I’m currently running a 4 child daycare from my home and tutoring children on the weekends from a very small 2 bedroom apt. I have no room to expand, but the interest from others to expand. I need a second helper and more children, but here I just don’t have the space for more kids or another adult. A friend has offered me her entire basement to transform into my business. I’m not a fan of the Texas heat and allergies, and these things are much less in MI. In my new space that is 4 times the size of what I have now I’ll have room to expand ages and services. I have a helper already to start once I get settled and reopen.


The plan is to arrive in Mi sometime around the 21st. for the first few months I’ll be helping her family with the transition of a new infant being born bringing the families children to 4 little blessings. As mommy and baby adjust to life after birth, and my daycare is put back together in a new location I’ll begin interviewing families and plan to reopen on September first 2011.

I’m hoping with a second pair of hands and a larger space that I can increase the amount of children I can care for and serve in my tutoring aspect of my business. I’ll use the 2 months of adjustment to notify people in the local small town about Discovery Toys and have my first parties.  


For the next few weeks I’ll be wrapping things up here in Texas. The last few weeks with my babies have begun to be bitter sweet, but fun as I watch their new developments. Today baby A asked for Hello hello as soon as he was placed in the play area by his mother. He was asking for his favorite music from the Finger Plays and Fun CD us here almost every day upon his arrival. He has been requesting music in many other ways like banging the cabinet the CD player is in, shaking the egg shakers and more nonverbal methods of communication methods. Today he hummed the tune doing his best to ask so I consider this step 1 to using language to gets his needs and desires met. It is milestones like these that really fuel my love for teaching of all ages.


Well my 1 little guy for the day is sleeping so I should get things done. I look forward to the future of this blog as a way to help others, but also to record my life and discoveries. If there is one thing I’ve learned from every mentor it is to “Write it Down” They always ask “Did you write it down? Unfortunately most of the time the answer was “no” Now I’ll be able to say yes and share the link to the blog.


Hope all of you have a wonderful last day of the three day weekend!






“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”
-Author Unknown


Brandy Wojcik  Discovery Toys Educational Consultant and Team leader

(512) 689-5045


Follow me on Face Book at



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